Many years ago, I took a personality profile test which underwhelmed me. I wanted to be a Red (action based) personality; but, instead I was a green-red with a splash of yellow (doesn't like to be categorized). I felt, at the time that this was absurd. I didn't mind being categorized... I just felt that there weren't any categories which defined me. :)
Tried as I might to assert my willingness to be categorized, and defy this test, this tendency also manifested in my business-work life and this blog. I wanted to label this blog "Lifestyle", but it wasn't really lifestyle. It was personal anecdotes, a hodge podge of interesting tidbits (to me), and somewhat "self-help" -ish. No Blog Therapist could truly help determine what this blog was supposed to be, because, truth be told, I didn't really want to commit to just three categories. Not in my blog. Not in my life. The personality test was right after all.
Perhaps, I didn't need to commit. Perhaps, I could just write about interesting-inspiring things, and, rather than conforming into pre-established categories, I could create my own. Perhaps I could just BE the multitude of labels and categories under one giant umbrella called : "I AM". We try to pigeon hole things too much. We try to narrow down and refine rather than opening Wide OPEN and embracing every nuance and grand idea of who we are, and who we might become. There's far too much conditioning that we must be logical and forego who we are, what we desire to experience, in order to fall into a tidy box, not experiencing life to its fullest.
"The real, deep down you... is the whole Universe." - Alan Watts
This week... why not take a moment to watch this short video; make a list of all of the varied Inklings which nudge you and tickle you? Why not break the molds you've given yourself... and break wide open?
XO, Tiffany
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