I've heard it said that anything and EVERYTHING that we are, that we manifest, that we attract, that we suffer, and that we achieve is 100% grown from a seed called "self esteem". This seed of self regard encompasses how worthy we feel to attract the experiences we wish to have, as well as the things which make us feel really lousy (but keep around, because hey, maybe this is all I deserve).
I know many beautiful people : who look in the mirror only to say, Ugh, I am so fat/ugly/tired looking... who receive a compliment only to say: oh this old thing, oh it was nothing ... who think about the ideal soul mate/ career/ dream life and say: that would never happen to me, i just don't have good luck, I'll never amount to anything.
Let's do a little life experiment shall we? Let's practice radical and exuberant LOVE for ourselves for a good month and see if things don't begin to change for the better. Clearly, this negative, mean spirited, and downright cruel approach isn't working. No matter how those thoughts and feelings of negative self image got there, it's time to get out of the Past and into the Present and give ourselves the much needed love and encouragement we so richly deserve.
Here are 20 notions for your 30-day experiment:
1. Give yourself a compliment: Write on post it notes to yourself and place in conspicuous places throughout your home. 2. Stand Up for yourself: Write down something you don't like about the way you look/ your body/ your image and then defend it. 3. Accept a compliment with a simple "Thank You" and take it to heart. 4. Do something that makes you Happy, each and every day - whether that takes the form of a hot cup of tea, a brisk walk, snuggling with the dog, or reading a book - Do it! 5. Release the Past. Have a good cry. Forgive yourself. And move on. 6. Clear your slate. Make a list of things you regret, people you've hurt and say "I'm sorry." It takes a bit of courage to do so, and you may not always receive the glowing response of your dreams, but the act of saying you're sorry (and meaning it) pulls you out from underneath the rubble of the Past. 7. TREAT YOURSELF! 8. DETOX: Say Good Bye to people who are: critical, negative, belittling, abusive (god forbid!), time suckers, crazy makers, drama creators, and selfish. You deserve better than that. Just as toxic food choices can diminish our vitality, so can toxic people. Stand up for yourself and say "no more."
9. Have FUN! Be silly. Practice playfulness. By not taking ourselves so very seriously, we open the door to more positive, lighthearted image of ourselves. So sing in the shower. Dance in the kitchen. Make a silly face at yourself in the mirror. 10. Make time every day to be Still. 11. Let Go of resentments. Nothing impedes self love like angry, vengeful feelings towards others. Whatever it is, no matter how Big, no matter how seemingly trivial - let it go. Find a way to love your own health and happiness to extend compassion. 12. See the good: in others, in the present, in the past, in a trying period. The more you look for the good, the more your perspective will illuminate the positive both externally, and within yourself. 13. Share! 14. Be in Charge. Stop blame and set your course. Today!
15. Practice Mindfulness: What did you Enjoy today? What did you do right today? 16. Dare to Dream - big, exciting, courageous, wonderful DREAMS! 17. Write a love letter to yourself. 18. Smile: At yourself in the mirror, on your walks, to perfect strangers. Smiling encourages connection, creates happy chemicals in our bodies, and studies show relaxes our minds. 19. Push past your limitations and self imposed boundaries. These are only illusions placed by an unloving fearfull mind. Time to break out and prove to yourself how very capable and awesome you are. No more telling yourself "I can't", "I'll fail" etc. 20. Take care of Yourself. Practice Radical Self Care. This means getting enough sleep, being aware of your own health, and nurturing yourself in the same manner you would care for a loved one, except this loved one is your very own Self.
Welcome to Monday's New Feature ... "CULTIVATE". Make it a good one, ok? XO
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